School News

The Real Estate Licensing Schools in Florida Continue to be Shocked

- May 03, 2013      Archive

For the second consecutive month of this year, the pass rate on the state exam is lowest it has been in recent memory.

In 2007, the pass rate on the state exam for Florida Sales Associates was running around 45%-47% for first time takers. Second-time takers where less. In 2008 the number increased to 51% to 53% of students were passing the state exam and that is the way it has been the last five years…then boom.. in March of this year, the number dropped to 27% and then again in April, it did improve, but only to 36%.

The question everyone is wondering, what happened? In March of this year the Bureau of Education and Testing put out an outline of the new exam and directed in the memo how many questions came out of each session. You would think this would help, but the exact opposite occurred.

We at Cooke are doing all we can to make sure that our students are not in the negative group. One of the items we added to our basic package it the Florida Real Estate Exam Manual, this manual has been around for some time, but we decided that one of the things we could do to help would be to give students more questions to practice on. The manual has hundreds of great questions for students to practice on. One of the keys to passing the state exam is to learn how to read questions and the more practice one gets, the better they become at understanding how to answer and analyze multiple choice questions.

One of the major benefits of distance learning, which all of Cooke School’s courses are, is that the distance learning courses have assessments that students must answer successfully to move to each new session. An in-class course does not force that upon a student.

Even though the percentages are not in the student’s favor right now…success, really depends on persistence and drive…so students wanting to succeed can succeed….hey…...this is what life successes are all about.

Frank L. Cooke, Jr.